Celebrating our veterans
Today, is a very special day for all Americans.
We would not be living in freedom today without our veterans: the brave men and women, who for over 240 years have answered the call of duty for their country, whenever American freedom has been threatened.
Representing all branches of service – Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard – they risked and sometimes gave, their lives for our great Nation.
We owe more than we can ever repay to America’s veterans.
On this Veterans Day, we publicly recognize and proclaim that America became and remains a free nation under God because of our veterans.
Today, let us pause to say an extra special thank you to all of those who have placed their lives on the line in defense of our great nation and our many freedoms.
Far too often these freedoms we all enjoy are taken for granted. From the freedom of speech to the freedom of religion…. simply the freedom to live our lives the way we choose.
We should all renew our commitment to never take for granted all that we have in America. Nor should we take for granted the many brave men and women who made it possible. They deserve the respect of our nation.