Erbil, Iraq
On July 6, BL Harbert International broke ground on the New U.S. Consulate Compound in Erbil, Iraq. U.S. Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman, U.S. Consul General Ken Gross and the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) were in attendance, representing the U.S. Government.
EYP of Albany, New York is the design architect. According to EYP, “One of the primary drivers of the site was creating an experience for the users that would be authentic and diverse. The goal was to create a community that would have both the features and amenities familiar to the American population while making a connection to the culture of the local people with whom they interact on a daily basis. Taking advantage of the topography and elevation shifts allows us to provide a variety of views and connections to the surrounding community.”
The project’s objective is to fulfill OBO’s mission of providing safe, secure, and functional facilities that represent the U.S. Government to the host nation and support staff in achieving U.S. foreign policy objectives.