19th Engineer Battalion Complex
Fort Knox, KentuckyThe 19th Engineer Battalion Complex is a living, training, and work complex for the 19th Engineer Battalion, which was deployed overseas for the duration of the project. The complex includes a three-story barracks for 252 service men and women, plus a company operations facility, readiness module, administrative module, covered hardstand, battalion headquarters, plus site design and construction.
The 19th Engineering Battalion Complex is a design-build project for unaccompanied enlisted personnel housing barracks on 18.55 acres. The completion of this project permits the 19th Engineer Battalion to move into a purpose-build facility that better meets its operational needs. The facility includes administrative, barracks and training space, and is the largest battalion in the United States Army.
Net Zero Energy
In keeping with Fort Knox’s goal to be at net zero energy levels by 2025, the complex utilizes a centralized geothermal ground loop system providing an energy efficient HVAC system reducing energy demand and cost. The project is LEED Certified Silver.