BL Harbert International’s scope of work included forming, reinforcing, and placing 8,000 yards of concrete for conveyor foundations, crushing towers, screening towers, and tunnels.
BLHI erected over 9 million pounds of Owner-furnished structural steel comprised of over 21,800 linear feet of conveyors, crushing/screening towers and set Owner-supplied equipment consisting of two Metso HP500 Crushers, one REMCO VSI 120 Crusher, two 6×30-3D, one 8×20-2D, two 8×20-3D and two 8×20-4D Deister Screens. The addition of this conveyor and equipment allows the plant to produce over 6 million tons of crushed granite annually.
Completion of the 1,000-foot blending tunnel was done in three months, this work had taken previous contractors five to nine months to complete. BLHI’s completion of the Augusta tunnel was two months faster than all previous contractors, making it the quickest tunnel completion at any Martin Marietta quarry.