Augusta University Health Hybrid OR

Augusta, Georgia

A complex and heavily phased renovation of the Hybrid OR Department, including the Pre-Op, OR and PACU. This renovation is scheduled to take 18 months.

This high-profile renovation requires the upmost attention and careful planning as the work is performed in the middle of busy OR Department, with current activities ongoing and certified health inspections taking place throughout the duration of construction.

Phasing of this project is key. Patient and pedestrian detours are imposed for more than 18 months of during renovation, placing the safety and wellbeing of the hospital’s employees and patients at the center of our work. While the end result is a larger, more efficient Hybrid OR, the process to get there requires clear and constant communication. Our team is well versed with critical and complex hospital renovations and we are making use of our experience, knowledge, and lessons-learned to deliver a superior product to GRMC.

Next up in Healthcare

Augusta University Health Campus Renovations

Augusta, Georgia