U.S. Embassy Office Annex
Abuja, NigeriaDesign and construction of the U.S. Embassy Office Annex in Abuja, Nigeria, includes a new office annex, a Marine Security Guard residence, a support annex with a three-level underground parking garage, another five-level parking garage and community facilities.
A challenge on the Abuja NOX project was working on the existing embassy compound, which had to remain in full operation throughout construction. This required detailed phasing of construction activities, coordination of new utilities with existing systems and clear communication among all stakeholders. Because the compound remained in operation, the existing embassy staff parking had to remain available until the new, five-story parking structure was completed. The existing staff parking was located over the footprint of the new NOX building, which was on the critical path of the project schedule, meaning construction could not commence until the staff parking was relocated. In order to gain time on the project schedule, BLHI designed a temporary anti-ram wall system around the NOX building and shifted the staff parking away from the NOX footprint, which allowed the NOX first floor construction to begin four months early.
As a reflection of eco-diplomacy, the Abuja NOX project incorporates numerous sustainable design features to reduce operating costs and conserve resources. Originally required to achieve LEED Silver certification, the Abuja NOX was awarded LEED Gold, and is the 30th LEED-Certified diplomatic facility for the U.S. Department of State.
- A photovoltaic panel array on the top deck of the parking structure, occupancy sensors and light shelves at windows, and LED lighting.
- Strategically placed sunshades reduce heat gain.
- The incorporation of water-saving fixtures and locally-appropriate landscaping reduce water usage.