Compassion is our best tool
On June 21, BL Harbert International’s U.S. Group had the opportunity to participate in a community service project.
We learned of a situation where a woman from out of state and her two children had left an abusive situation with nothing more than backpacks and ended up at a house in Alabama owned by a relative. The house had not been occupied for quite some time and needed some major cleanup. The situation was a perfect fit for our Harbert Hope campaign and for a team-building exercise with the summer co-ops and interns. Led by one of our superintendents, the group spent the morning doing major yard work, pulling overgrown ivy off the chimney, removing unwanted items, pulling up carpet, painting the front door, pressure washing, and putting dirt/pine straw around the foundation to help prevent water from running into the basement.
The compassion shown by BLHI made this desperate situation a little easier. The recipient was very grateful and stated, “What all of you are doing here today is worth more than gold to me. I can’t thank you enough!”
Everyone involved was moved by the experience.
“Last Friday I had the privilege to join other BLHI Co-ops/Interns as well as full-time staff in community service. Many of the Co-ops/Interns traveled to the location to assist a family in yard work and home improvement. I enjoyed getting to know the other interns and learning about their jobsites. Upon completion, everyone was glad to have met new friends and possibly future co-workers, all while helping a family in need. This community outreach helped show me how BLHI is one team committed to excellence and impacting the lives of others in our communities. I am grateful to have been a part of this outreach program, and look forward to other similar opportunities.” – J.W. Summer 2019 Intern
We challenge you to look for opportunities to give back… they are all around us.