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Nashville Great American Heart Walk

Our Huntsville and Nashville employees came together on Saturday, September 14th for the Greater Nashville Heart Walk in honor of one of our very own employees. The 3-mile walk took place on Vanderbilt’s Campus.  Nearly $2 million was raised and over 10,000 people attended the walk on Saturday.  


Paul’s Story…In January of 2019, I thought I was having flu symptoms and went to the hospital to get fluids. I was told upon arrival that I had suffered a heart attack and it was not known when this had happened due to symptoms being expressed.  Upon several tests being taken at the Vanderbilt cardiology center, it was found that I had a growth on my heart.  In March, it was determined that I had an aneurysm the size of my fist hanging from the left ventricle of my heart and it was robbing me of 50 percent of the total output of my heart.  I met with my cardiologist and my surgeon to determine the paths that we needed to take.  They determined that I needed to have open-heart surgery to remove the growth.  I had my surgery with these wonderful doctors, nurses, and support staff at Vanderbilt Medical Center at the end of March.  It has been a difficult recovery but I have made it through with great help from my family, friends, coworkers, company and my great doctors.  I went to see my cardiologist this last week and he released me with no restrictions and is very pleased with my progress. I would like to say thank you to Vanderbilt Medical Center and their staff for all they have done for me. 


We were honored to walk for Paul! We are so very thankful for his health today and what a great milestone to be able to walk 3 miles in the heat with no issues so quickly after his recovery.  Great job Paul.  Looking forward to next year.  Stay Tuned – Greater Nashville Heart Walk 2020!

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