The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Dedicates the New U.S. Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe
From the U.S. Department of State
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
“As a display of our enduring friendship, U.S. Ambassador Brian A. Nichols, and Director of the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Tad Davis, with local officials, dedicated the new U.S. Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe today.
The new U.S. Embassy provides a safe and secure platform for diplomacy and includes a new chancery, a Marine security guard residence, and support facilities. It includes design elements reminiscent of Great Zimbabwe and locally sourced materials, such as brick and black granite that reflect our appreciation for Zimbabwe’s culture and responsible use of natural resources.
AECOM of Washington, D.C. is the design architect, and Page of Washington, D.C. is the architect of record. B.L. Harbert International of Birmingham, Alabama, is the construction contractor.
Since 1999, as part of the Department’s Capital Security Construction Program, OBO has completed 154 new diplomatic facilities and has an additional 48 projects in design or under construction.
OBO provides safe, secure, functional, and resilient facilities that represent the U.S. government to the host nation and support our staff in the achievement of U.S. foreign policy objectives. These facilities represent American values and the best in American architecture, design, engineering, technology, sustainability, art, culture, and construction execution.
For further information, please contact Christine Foushee at, or visit”
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