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Women in Construction Week :: Meet Sara R.

To mark NAIWIC’s Women in Construction Week 2017, we sat down with BL Harbert’s women leaders, across our offices about why they chose their career and how they have reached their personal and professional goals as a woman in the industry.

A recent statistic revealed that women make up about 47% of the overall U.S. workforce but only 9% of the construction industry. Here, at BL Harbert International, we are making it a priority to close this gap, to really focus on how to better recruit women, and to celebrate the accomplishments and understand the challenges women may face.

This week, we invite you to sit down with us as we check in with some of the women who are the driving force for our business.


What is your favorite thing about the construction industry?

“Everyday there is a new challenge or educational opportunity awaiting me. The construction industry is ever changing and evolving.” –Blair M.


How can we recruit more women to the industry?

“We can recruit more women to the industry by sparking interest early on. Continuing to advocate co-op and internships is the best way to hook our future professionals and give them hands on experience in the industry.” –Sara R.


How can we celebrate women in construction?

“We can empower each other. We can allow women to step up to new challenges and commend them when they’re successful. We need to get know each other better so we can support each other.” –Charissa P.


What inspired you to want to have a construction-related career?

Being able to be a part of something that is bigger than yourself. Taking a piece of land where there was nothing, and then making something that will be there for years to come. I mean, how cool is that?” –Cheris M.


We promise, you won’t want to miss out, as we partner with NAWIC for Women in Construction Week.

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